Yohanes Bandung Bondowoso

Interesting Links I Found on July 2020


Who Loses Big in the Great Streaming Wars? The User by Alan Sepinwall via Rolling Stone.
Mirror archive.is

I Tried to Live Without the Tech Giants. It Was Impossible. by Kashmir Hill via NYTimes.
How a journalist try to ditch any services backed by Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple for experiment. Nice short read.
Mirror archive.is

Tambora Mountain via Wikipedia.
Not that I am proud of it, but my country had done many worldwide disaster. Natural or cultural disaster. This one mountain erupted on 1815, and the aftermath is called “Year Without a Summer

The Languages Which Almost Were CSS by Zack Bloom via Eager Blog.


Cyber Duck
I was looking for file transfer client to manage my Dropbox and CDN files. The popular one is Transmit, but it is expensive. I found this open source alternative. Cyber Duck is free, but it shows pop-up reminder for donation, with minimum Β£10 to get rid of it.


YBBond.id Staging
I am currently refactoring my site to use less data, less JavaScript and removing tracker. The progress is slow, as I am currently a lot busier at work too.

Published on πŸ”—, tagged: #bookmarks

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