Trying to learn Radiohead’s True Love Waits on piano and guitar. This is a beautiful, simple song that truly expose our most depressing feelings.
Starting to learn piano again. Today, I try to play Indonesian old electric song Utopia by Homogenic. I also try to improve my skill for Radiohead’s Daydreaming.
Password will not be echoed in the terminal. You might have known the theory behind it. This video shows how it really was implemented on Teletype: link or Youtube link
Anyone using Brave Browser got redirected to GitHub site when trying to access or any of web archive instance?
I just got this issue and commented on the GitHub post, and eventually many others experiencing the same also commented.
I woke up early coz I’m hungry and while waiting for the food to be ready, I hacked with Deno. I herd it is trending now. #poem
github: ybbond/web-archive
I implemented WebMention for this site! Will make a post about this soon. This is a destressing side project because I’ve been stuck for a difficult task at work. Now continue working!
I shared this to my coworkers 2 weeks ago and they approved that this helps: Prevent MacBook with Thunderbolt 3 ports for overheating by use only right ports.
I implemented GoatCounter, a good, privacy-aware web analytics made by arp242. You can see it here Does analytic a problem to you? Any feedback is welcome :D
iA Writer released an update that is IndieWeb friendly <3
Right when I am almost done integrating my site with MicroPub.