It is silly that Flutter cannot dictate from the null check not a moment ago, and infer that a variable is in fact non-nullable. There is only one possible control flow from that point on! Bang operator is risky because there's possibility of neglecting the operator in future refactoring. So I use this approach.
(This post is in Indonesian) Sudah lama saya tidak mendesain. Sembari belajar lagi, saya coba bikin kalender sekaligus yearly planner tahun 2021. PDF bisa diunduh di artikel ini.
macOS provides way to change default key bindings for any applications, and changed some of Safari's key bindings with it too. I discovered other way to "change" or add key bindings with Apple Script and FastScripts. It is awesome that I'd like to share it.
I am currently refactoring my site. The main goal is to reduce page size, remove tracker, reduce JavaScript usage, and leverage as much Indieweb features as I can.
In this quick post, I talk about how complicated this world is, more with the internet. The main premise is about thinking twice before sharing a link or image. But in the end, you cannot (or it is hard to) please everyone.
Let's stop worrying and start loving EmacsOrg-mode! The main reason I use Emacs Org-mode is for Org-roam, a framework that enable notes linking based on Roam Research, that's based on slip-box note taking method.
This is more of a rant than a proper blog post. You may call this is a "Buyer’s Remorse". I say, this is a biased review for Pinboard and Feed Wrangler. I am forced to use those services because of their inactive customer support and unreliable refund policy.